hey the game is fucking aweosome, but sadly i cant play it, i open the game and it gives me a black screen, i can only hear the music and thats all, any fixes/solutions?
So far it's been great, it really has, but there's one teeny tiny issue. It runs at 20 fps. Yet something like Black Mesa and Slime Rancher runs just fine. The math ain't mathing here.
Please don't let it get as bad as, for example, Project Zomboid. MDT is so promising, but the fps near the end of my session (before i alt+f4'd) was under 10. At the very end even under 5.
I want to love the game but in this state, despite all the genuinely fun mechanics i just can't enjoy it.
Can you tell me your specs and where you have experienced the lowest frame-rate? I know this game looks simpler than Half-Life 2, but i'm very limited with what Godot's 2D engine offers for optimization.
I got to the part with the crowbar and the beretta (with the container that you can drop). I suspect it may have to do with the amount of decals, and/or the amount of ai brains operating at that moment.
My device is a Dell Latitude 3420. 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-1125G4 @ 2.00GHz 1.19 GHz 8gbs of ram
It's no monster, not by a looong shot, but it's not terrible either.
Edit: It sounds drastic, but you may want to consider remaking the game from scratch in a different engine. It's a herculean task, but with the still relatively tame situations causing this amount of lag, it's like you're building on quicksand; not good.
Still, i remain hopeful, and wish you the best of luck with this honest to god fucking awesome game.
like the dev said, game optimization isnt as simple as 2d game = run good and 3d game = run bad, theres a ton of shit that goes into it (physics calculations, drawing the sprites itself takes up processing power, calculations for gore, blood, etc.) plus, black mesa runs on the source engine which is... rather old, so i would expect it to run rather well despite the enhancements they made to the engine. and slime rancher runs on unity, not a very intensive engine. those games also have teams and whatnot to help with optimization
mb if this came off as like rude or anything i just dont think the stuff that goes into optimization is really known to the public
Adding –rendering-driver opengl3 only works with the editor i think. Have tried it myself just now, both by creating a shortcut and with cmd - doesn't seem to work.
I dont know what the fuck is happening but it is sick as shit bro keep it up. I subbed on yt and am looking forward to what comes next. Steam release when? <:
Would be my dream game if i could actually play it: the performance is about 10 fps and the game is unplayable. Is there any fix? If there isn't when is it going to get fixed? Maybe it's just my pc but i find kinda weird.
I will constantly be working on optimization, dw. Current biggest issue is GPU performance, so i hope you don't have a bad CPU - in that case i have already optimized almost everything i could.
Here's a quick tutorial for those who are having trouble downloading the game: Download the latest game file --> Extract the file with WinRAR or 7Zip --> Group both .exe files (mdt and mdt.console) inside a folder --> Open "mdt" and play!
The game is amazing, even though it's in alpha, it shows a lot of promise. I think the only issues I noticed were the AI, which is a bit broken. I also believe it would be good to have a way to display the range of the weapon you're using. Several times I missed targets because I didn’t know how far my shots could reach. Oh, and please add a translation to Brazilian Portuguese!
it only shows a black screen when i open it and i dont know if my gpu supports vulakn i searched but i found nothing about it . my gpu is the gt660 btw
It feels nice to play when it runs smoothly — I played for about 15 mins before the frames dropped to 5. can't get any above 10. hope to see performance improve.
re:normal maps disabling them only got me a couple more FPS, and even turning off the backbuffer copies you have in the camera only got me up to 90. an unlit 2d scene with just the player and its somehow at 90 fps. im not even trying to be mean i just genuinely have no idea how you managed this. it might be some shaders you have somewhere, but there are literally dozens of them and i dont have time to go through them all. good luck lol
i installed 7zip but idk how to open it is just.. blank
update: when i transfer the files to 7zip it says that the directory name is invalid..
..... also winrar didnt work :(
so after a while of tinkering i got the console to open for less than a second and then close again, when i added the game file with it, files asked me to give it permission because something about dangerous, i do then opens some exe for half a sec and then closes (like the console)
ok this is weird i put in the password and it gave me the files but nothing happens when i click on them, i also cant extract them AND cant take them to file explore (i opened the file from files app because if i open it on file explorer is says "the (file name) unavailable at the moment) huh????
Overall a good game but sometimes enemies bodies just freeze after death, no animation of ragdoll played. It even happened that 2 enemies freezed in a row.
was getting 15 FPS on the labs level, so I decompiled the game and opened up the base_level scene on its own. somehow, even in a level with literally nothing in it besides the player, I was getting only 20fps with 90%+ memory and GPU usage. ai and baked shadows arent your problem, whatever unholy game development practices from hell that youre using are
My theory is Normal Maps. I remember turning them off while i had my old GPU and it had a big impact on performance, idk why would it be so. Everything looks like shit without them tho.
I had a weird ass bug where the ai turned off and enemies just didnt react to bullets (sorry i wasnt recording and i haven no clue what started it, though i was in the cargo area)
the reloading losing magazine mechanic isnt explained well
and during the tutorial it isnt immedietly obvious that going in that room will kill you and that ur supposed to hang back and let the roof fall
Visually i think the levels are too bright especially in the cargo section. The eyes feel hurt and this makes combat disorienting (which might be good if thats what ur going for) but this does hurt gameplay, i also think guns feel weak, the pistol especially feels ineffective, i think it'd be better to have a lower time to kill
melee weapons arent incentivised enough, blocking takes too long and it doesn't reflect bullets additionally ammo is way too plentiful. i think reworking melee so it has it's uses (look at hotline miami) where you may want to pick it up off the floor etc to maybe knock a gun out of an enemies hand or throw it hell even use it as a shield, would be nice and add more variety to the game.
also the parkour feels to weighty, i feel like im constantly jumping with a bag of rocks attached to me, firstly not sure if this is implemented but id implement coyote time, id also look at maybe making parkour more smooth somehow and making jumping feel less like a chore, especially since you seem to utilise it (it feels hard to tell where i can and cant jump sometimes)
Melee enemies hate it if your inside of them or in walls, maybe have them either push you out of them or just move away so they can hit you
to add to the more chaotic flow of the game, if you get damaged a lot in a short span you should add a hitman blood money esc effect where the screen slowly gets more and more red, the music intensifies and time slows down. I think that would genuinely fit the vibe your going for (as evidenced by the music) and help out with this sort of weird grimey gruesome atmosphere
Also theres 0 indication when i cant not shoot someone. like bullets seem to just get eaten? and i cant really see where they go in low light environments which only makes the issue worse (would be nice if bullets when leaving the gun either lit up the environment or where brighter or you just indicated the spread of shot or something on those lines)
Enemy ai seems weird and just gets stuck especially melee enemies, it also seems to just not react all too well, it isnt uncommon for a pistol enemy to just stare at me like he's just had the biggest weed in his life, i think enemies just dont react how you'd expect them too and this makes combat while yes sometimes tense with you having to take cover, sometimes also way too easy
also there was a bug where a circular barrel just did nothing
Actually now play testing more i think a push mechanic would be great for the player as well, maybe it could ragdoll enemies who arent melee (since they can sometimes get stuck inside of you) and deprive them of their weapon adds another layer of combat, you can also then ahve it so you can push after a block as an easy way to take down a parried enemy, idk just seems useful
During the bunker level i got shot off screen and i think im going to stop playing from there, this has potential but i think a lot of mechanics just dont work yet, high time to kill isnt very satisifying and the enemy ai isnt too smart
Якщо я правильно зрозумів то ви з України, вітаю земляку! Якщо був неправий то всеодно все продублюю на англійській щоб інщі користувачі теж могли прочитати. Знайшов по вашому відео, дуже класна подача як для початку доречі. Ітак, по другій демці: + Унікальний і високоякісний візуал Прекрасні Анімації Чудовий саунд дизайн Самобитний і мальовничий стиль
- Дуже повільний "біг" Не вистачає метання холодної зброї, бо надто вона слабка, одного додіка можна пів року гамселити, щоб поті всеодно застрелити коли остопиздить. Не зрозуміла система набоїв(у меня всеж видаляются патрони з магазину чи це просто такий візал? Сердце хоч і є дуже брутальним показником здоровья, але блін ніхріна не показує скільки його у тебе, рівноцінно красному краю єкрана. Ворогам не вистачає відкліку, візуально бомбезно - кров, дірка від пулі, все як потрібно, але сам він нікуди не рушится, як стояв так і стоїть, потрібно щоб частини тіла здригалися від попадань.
Знаю що мінусів багато, але більшість з них це просто пережитки ранньої перед Альфи, не смертельно. Тепер щодо багів які я побачив:
Будь які анімації крім атаки перериваются коли гравець в повітрі, при цьому сама дія не скасовується, як і звук(в випадку з перезарядкою)
Вороги більше туплять ніж деруться, я бачив як ви працювали над ІІ, але в грі вони 80% бою просто шкерятся по кутам, я коли хотів навчитися парирувати по 10 секунд чекав поки він мене вдарить. В пустому корридорі.
Блок не працює, як і парування. Фактично удар блокується, але зброя проходить наскрізь і бьє ще раз, отримуєш шкоду як від першого так і від другого, а парирування повністю мало того що не зупиняє урон з першого разу, так ще і зовсім не допомагає, бо супротивника станить на такий же що і тебе час. Мені дуже сподобалось, очікую наступний девлог з нетерпінням!
If I understood correctly, you are from Ukraine, hey земляк(I genuinely can`t translate this)! If I was wrong, I will still duplicate everything in English so that other users can also read it. Found it from your video, very cool editing for a start by the way. So, according to the second demo: + Unique and high-quality visuals Beautiful Animations Great sound design Unique and picturesque style
Very slow "running" Lacks melee throwing, because melee is too weak, one dude can be beaten for half a year, only for you to shoot him when you get bored.
New players aren`t explained about the ammunition system (am I still getting bullets removed from me when i reload or is it just a visual?)
The heart, although it is a very cool, brutal indicator of health, but the damn thing doesn’t show how much you have, basically making it equivalent to the red edge on the screen.
Enemies do not have enough feedback, it is visually bombastic - blood, a bullet hole, everything is as it should be, but the enemy itself does not move anywhere, it is necessary that parts of the body shudder from hits, it makes gunplay more impactful.
I know that there are many disadvantages, but most of them are just caused by the early pre-Alpha, not fatal.
Now about the bugs that I saw:
Any animations except attacking are interrupted when the player is in the air, while the action itself is not canceled, as well as the sound (in the case of reloading)
Enemies cower in fear more than they fight, I saw how you worked on the AI, but in the game, 80% of the battle they just scurry around the corners. When I wanted to learn to parry, I waited for 10 seconds until he hit me. In an empty corridor.
Block doesn't work, as does parrying. In fact, the blow is blocked, but the weapon goes through and hits again, you get damage both from the first and from the second, and parrying does stop the damage from the first hit, but the second still deals full damage. also parrying is useless, because the opponent will be stunned for the same time as you areafter parrying, due to block cooldown.
I really enjoyed it, I look forward to the next devlog!
Можно сказать, что и с Украины. Язык я правда уже почти забыл. Свободно говорить на нем не могу, но хотя бы его понимаю.
ИИ это самая большая жопа для меня, но я постоянно буду пытаться его дорабатывать. Метание милишек уже запланированно.Магазины работают аркадно, как в колде, где это просто число резерва, но вот как получше это передать надо будет подумать.
Что касается багов - спасибо что подробно описали, всё это полетит в списочек и будет исправляться.
Геймплей отличный, однако каждый раз сталкиваюсь с багом - трупы так сильно отлетают при смерти, что улетают куда-то за текстуры и игра начинает невероятно лагать. Если откатиться на чекпоинт при возникновении этого бага, то игра вылетает.
Да это та еще мистика. Я примерно понимаю почему это происходит (вроде как это случается когда противники стоят на контейнерах, а это статичные пропы), так что как нибудь решу, идеи на этот счет уже давно есть.
Great game, but right now the melee feels a little shallow, as the weak attack and the strong attack seem to have the same cooldown and there seems to be no reason to use a weak attack. Also, my game crashed upon trying to respawn at the part where you get your first gun.
Yeah the melee is still kinda boring, but i will be adding more variety and a mechanic from M:PN, where you click before hitting the enemy to do a crit. The crash is unfortunate, there are still some bugs with the respawn system. Will fix!!!!
The combat is super fun and I love the music. Enemies are interesting and the melee combat is also fun and everything feels really juicy. I think that gibs/gore should have a bit more leniency, because I rarely ever saw any of the gib sprites (maybe I just suck)
However, the only thing that kind of made it bad to play was the fact that my game seemed to be stuck on ~30FPS. Be it in an empty room or in a room with 20 enemies, my FPS was around the 30 mark. No idea why, changing the resolution and turning down the graphics didn't change anything
Regarding gore, it's just a bit too early in the campaign for you to gib enemies that often, the weapons are just to weak. Wait until you'll be able to get the shotgun ;). I will be working more on optimization. Will probably do some sort of a telemetry thing to see how much fps people have at certain points on the map, their specs, etc.
I love the madness combat style. The base of the game is great, but I think it lacks the juiciness of the original. Maybe you should add screen shake, more decals of blood, or grenade explosion sprite (because the existing one is too dry) . I would also like more dynamics, for example, running back )) I do not know why, but I am very unaccustomed. Otherwise, the game has a huge potential to become my favorite.
Thx. Most of this is in the workings, really want to improve the juice part for the second public build. As for running back - i was thinking of giving the player more movement tech as the game goes on, so in the end your bossfights would look like if you were playing Terraria Calamity mod or something. I actually just remembered why the player can't run backwards - it was because of that visibility system i mentioned in the video, the idea behind it was that you would have to turn away from the enemy when running back so you won't be able to see them. But that mechanic is long gone, so ig there is now no reason to restrict player's movement like that.
← Return to game
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oh wait it`s okay i found the password
WTF is the password for [LATEST] Public 2 Decmember 2024
thanks man.
hey the game is fucking aweosome, but sadly i cant play it, i open the game and it gives me a black screen, i can only hear the music and thats all, any fixes/solutions?
What are your specs
i love the game but i wish grenades werent so buggy, also add more weapons
I will def add more weapons. Grenades didn't had much work put in to them as they're are yet to appear in the campaign.
So far it's been great, it really has, but there's one teeny tiny issue. It runs at 20 fps. Yet something like Black Mesa and Slime Rancher runs just fine. The math ain't mathing here.
Please don't let it get as bad as, for example, Project Zomboid. MDT is so promising, but the fps near the end of my session (before i alt+f4'd) was under 10. At the very end even under 5.
I want to love the game but in this state, despite all the genuinely fun mechanics i just can't enjoy it.
Can you tell me your specs and where you have experienced the lowest frame-rate? I know this game looks simpler than Half-Life 2, but i'm very limited with what Godot's 2D engine offers for optimization.
I got to the part with the crowbar and the beretta (with the container that you can drop). I suspect it may have to do with the amount of decals, and/or the amount of ai brains operating at that moment.
My device is a Dell Latitude 3420.
11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-1125G4 @ 2.00GHz 1.19 GHz
8gbs of ram
It's no monster, not by a looong shot, but it's not terrible either.
Edit: It sounds drastic, but you may want to consider remaking the game from scratch in a different engine. It's a herculean task, but with the still relatively tame situations causing this amount of lag, it's like you're building on quicksand; not good.
Still, i remain hopeful, and wish you the best of luck with this honest to god fucking awesome game.
like the dev said, game optimization isnt as simple as 2d game = run good and 3d game = run bad, theres a ton of shit that goes into it (physics calculations, drawing the sprites itself takes up processing power, calculations for gore, blood, etc.) plus, black mesa runs on the source engine which is... rather old, so i would expect it to run rather well despite the enhancements they made to the engine. and slime rancher runs on unity, not a very intensive engine. those games also have teams and whatnot to help with optimization
mb if this came off as like rude or anything i just dont think the stuff that goes into optimization is really known to the public
This is completely true. Nor am i looking forward in to supporting systems as weak as this one, the GPU is literally worse than my old GT 1030.
какой пароль
so, i dont have vulkan drivers and i cant figure out how to start the thing with opengl 3 rendering driver.
does anyone know how to do this?
(i have in fact looked up how to do this and i am so hopelessly lost)
Adding –rendering-driver opengl3 only works with the editor i think. Have tried it myself just now, both by creating a shortcut and with cmd - doesn't seem to work.
dang this game looks awesome too. shame i cant play it :(
time to grind for some cash ig
BRG Chronic yeah i also need help with that
I dont know what the fuck is happening but it is sick as shit bro keep it up. I subbed on yt and am looking forward to what comes next. Steam release when? <:
When Chapter 0 gets finished
Why doesn't it download? When I try to download it, it just dose nothing and is very annoying, how fix?
What is the password
"stopsayingit" all lowercase letters, no quotes.
why isnt it working i think i need a zip file
Use WinRAR or 7zip
Would be my dream game if i could actually play it: the performance is about 10 fps and the game is unplayable. Is there any fix? If there isn't when is it going to get fixed? Maybe it's just my pc but i find kinda weird.
I will constantly be working on optimization, dw. Current biggest issue is GPU performance, so i hope you don't have a bad CPU - in that case i have already optimized almost everything i could.
I have a shitty laptop so probably it's not your fault. I'm also about to upgrade into a real pc with a rx 6600 and a amd ryzen 5 5600
my 7zip keeps asking me for a password but i dont have on
password: stopsayingit
When I try to open the game, my cursor has the loading icon, but the actual game doesn't open.
pls help
Make sure your GPU supports Vulkan
Here's a quick tutorial for those who are having trouble downloading the game: Download the latest game file --> Extract the file with WinRAR or 7Zip --> Group both .exe files (mdt and mdt.console) inside a folder --> Open "mdt" and play!
maximum upvotes on this, can't pin comments on itch lol
how do i get the code for the files
The game is amazing, even though it's in alpha, it shows a lot of promise. I think the only issues I noticed were the AI, which is a bit broken. I also believe it would be good to have a way to display the range of the weapon you're using. Several times I missed targets because I didn’t know how far my shots could reach. Oh, and please add a translation to Brazilian Portuguese!
for some reason the compressed file won't even open or exract, i am so confused...
Use WinRAR or 7zip
thank you it works now.
Whenever i open the game, it says that support for the archive isn't available. any tips to keep that from happening?
Use WinRAR or 7zip
the game launches and closes ? any fix
Make sure your GPU supports Vulkan
it only shows a black screen when i open it and i dont know if my gpu supports vulakn i searched but i found nothing about it . my gpu is the gt660 btw
Vulcan is probably not supported on your card
according to the dev post it's not supported
It feels nice to play when it runs smoothly — I played for about 15 mins before the frames dropped to 5. can't get any above 10. hope to see performance improve.
im not good with cumputers
guys how do i make it so my files stop downloading into micro
soft edge it keeps makeing it so i cant do enything with zips
Hello friend, please try finding a setting on your browser about where to save downloaded files.
For example on Firefox, the setting is called "Always ask you where to save files".
Then, you may have to use a software like 7zip to extract and open up the .7z zip folder that this game is available in.
Please let me know if you need more help.
how do i get to the password
i run the game but all i get is a black screen
Make sure your GPU supports Vulkan
re:normal maps
disabling them only got me a couple more FPS, and even turning off the backbuffer copies you have in the camera only got me up to 90. an unlit 2d scene with just the player and its somehow at 90 fps. im not even trying to be mean i just genuinely have no idea how you managed this. it might be some shaders you have somewhere, but there are literally dozens of them and i dont have time to go through them all. good luck lol
Yeah it's a mystery to me too. The GPU profiler doesn't show shit either.
do i need the godot engine to play the game? keeps opening command window and crashes for some reason
Make sure your GPU supports Vulkan
I downloaded the Public 2 file, but it seems to only open in the Notes app??
How do I get to the area where it asks for a password, or did I just download the whole thing wrong?
you need winrar or 7zip
Thank you! I got it to work
wait i need 7zip for the game to work?
i installed 7zip but idk how to open it is just.. blank
update: when i transfer the files to 7zip it says that the directory name is invalid..
..... also winrar didnt work :(
so after a while of tinkering i got the console to open for less than a second and then close again, when i added the game file with it, files asked me to give it permission because something about dangerous, i do then opens some exe for half a sec and then closes (like the console)
Does your GPU support Vulkan?
ok this is weird i put in the password and it gave me the files but nothing happens when i click on them, i also cant extract them AND cant take them to file explore (i opened the file from files app because if i open it on file explorer is says "the (file name) unavailable at the moment) huh????
like dude why did is there a password :(
will there be a version without a password thanks
Sorry to hear you're having troubles with this. I will remove the password protection for the next public build, at least from the archive.
thanks :) when can i expect the update?
Overall a good game but sometimes enemies bodies just freeze after death, no animation of ragdoll played. It even happened that 2 enemies freezed in a row.
I don't use this thing much. How do I play it?
Download Public Build 2 and use password 'stopsayingit'
Uh its says "windows cannot open the folder" any answers to that? (sorry im not good with tech)
was getting 15 FPS on the labs level, so I decompiled the game and opened up the base_level scene on its own. somehow, even in a level with literally nothing in it besides the player, I was getting only 20fps with 90%+ memory and GPU usage. ai and baked shadows arent your problem, whatever unholy game development practices from hell that youre using are
My theory is Normal Maps. I remember turning them off while i had my old GPU and it had a big impact on performance, idk why would it be so. Everything looks like shit without them tho.
what is the password i cant play
"stopsayingit" without quotations. It's on his most recent devlog.
i see it
Melee weapons deal too little damage.
I had a weird ass bug where the ai turned off and enemies just didnt react to bullets (sorry i wasnt recording and i haven no clue what started it, though i was in the cargo area)
the reloading losing magazine mechanic isnt explained well
and during the tutorial it isnt immedietly obvious that going in that room will kill you and that ur supposed to hang back and let the roof fall
Visually i think the levels are too bright especially in the cargo section. The eyes feel hurt and this makes combat disorienting (which might be good if thats what ur going for) but this does hurt gameplay, i also think guns feel weak, the pistol especially feels ineffective, i think it'd be better to have a lower time to kill
melee weapons arent incentivised enough, blocking takes too long and it doesn't reflect bullets additionally ammo is way too plentiful. i think reworking melee so it has it's uses (look at hotline miami) where you may want to pick it up off the floor etc to maybe knock a gun out of an enemies hand or throw it hell even use it as a shield, would be nice and add more variety to the game.
also the parkour feels to weighty, i feel like im constantly jumping with a bag of rocks attached to me, firstly not sure if this is implemented but id implement coyote time, id also look at maybe making parkour more smooth somehow and making jumping feel less like a chore, especially since you seem to utilise it (it feels hard to tell where i can and cant jump sometimes)
Melee enemies hate it if your inside of them or in walls, maybe have them either push you out of them or just move away so they can hit you
to add to the more chaotic flow of the game, if you get damaged a lot in a short span you should add a hitman blood money esc effect where the screen slowly gets more and more red, the music intensifies and time slows down. I think that would genuinely fit the vibe your going for (as evidenced by the music) and help out with this sort of weird grimey gruesome atmosphere
Also theres 0 indication when i cant not shoot someone. like bullets seem to just get eaten? and i cant really see where they go in low light environments which only makes the issue worse (would be nice if bullets when leaving the gun either lit up the environment or where brighter or you just indicated the spread of shot or something on those lines)
Enemy ai seems weird and just gets stuck especially melee enemies, it also seems to just not react all too well, it isnt uncommon for a pistol enemy to just stare at me like he's just had the biggest weed in his life, i think enemies just dont react how you'd expect them too and this makes combat while yes sometimes tense with you having to take cover, sometimes also way too easy
also there was a bug where a circular barrel just did nothing
Actually now play testing more i think a push mechanic would be great for the player as well, maybe it could ragdoll enemies who arent melee (since they can sometimes get stuck inside of you) and deprive them of their weapon adds another layer of combat, you can also then ahve it so you can push after a block as an easy way to take down a parried enemy, idk just seems useful
During the bunker level i got shot off screen and i think im going to stop playing from there, this has potential but i think a lot of mechanics just dont work yet, high time to kill isnt very satisifying and the enemy ai isnt too smart
Thx for the review!!!
Якщо я правильно зрозумів то ви з України, вітаю земляку! Якщо був неправий то всеодно все продублюю на англійській щоб інщі користувачі теж могли прочитати. Знайшов по вашому відео, дуже класна подача як для початку доречі.
Ітак, по другій демці:
Унікальний і високоякісний візуал
Прекрасні Анімації
Чудовий саунд дизайн
Самобитний і мальовничий стиль
Дуже повільний "біг"
Не вистачає метання холодної зброї, бо надто вона слабка, одного додіка можна пів року гамселити, щоб поті всеодно застрелити коли остопиздить.
Не зрозуміла система набоїв(у меня всеж видаляются патрони з магазину чи це просто такий візал?
Сердце хоч і є дуже брутальним показником здоровья, але блін ніхріна не показує скільки його у тебе, рівноцінно красному краю єкрана.
Ворогам не вистачає відкліку, візуально бомбезно - кров, дірка від пулі, все як потрібно, але сам він нікуди не рушится, як стояв так і стоїть, потрібно щоб частини тіла здригалися від попадань.
Знаю що мінусів багато, але більшість з них це просто пережитки ранньої перед Альфи, не смертельно. Тепер щодо багів які я побачив:
Будь які анімації крім атаки перериваются коли гравець в повітрі, при цьому сама дія не скасовується, як і звук(в випадку з перезарядкою)
Вороги більше туплять ніж деруться, я бачив як ви працювали над ІІ, але в грі вони 80% бою просто шкерятся по кутам, я коли хотів навчитися парирувати по 10 секунд чекав поки він мене вдарить. В пустому корридорі.
Блок не працює, як і парування. Фактично удар блокується, але зброя проходить наскрізь і бьє ще раз, отримуєш шкоду як від першого так і від другого, а парирування повністю мало того що не зупиняє урон з першого разу, так ще і зовсім не допомагає, бо супротивника станить на такий же що і тебе час.
Мені дуже сподобалось, очікую наступний девлог з нетерпінням!
If I understood correctly, you are from Ukraine, hey земляк(I genuinely can`t translate this)! If I was wrong, I will still duplicate everything in English so that other users can also read it. Found it from your video, very cool editing for a start by the way.
So, according to the second demo:
Unique and high-quality visuals
Beautiful Animations
Great sound design
Unique and picturesque style
Very slow "running"
Lacks melee throwing, because melee is too weak, one dude can be beaten for half a year, only for you to shoot him when you get bored.
New players aren`t explained about the ammunition system (am I still getting bullets removed from me when i reload or is it just a visual?)
The heart, although it is a very cool, brutal indicator of health, but the damn thing doesn’t show how much you have, basically making it equivalent to the red edge on the screen.
Enemies do not have enough feedback, it is visually bombastic - blood, a bullet hole, everything is as it should be, but the enemy itself does not move anywhere, it is necessary that parts of the body shudder from hits, it makes gunplay more impactful.
I know that there are many disadvantages, but most of them are just caused by the early pre-Alpha, not fatal.
Now about the bugs that I saw:
Any animations except attacking are interrupted when the player is in the air, while the action itself is not canceled, as well as the sound (in the case of reloading)
Enemies cower in fear more than they fight, I saw how you worked on the AI, but in the game, 80% of the battle they just scurry around the corners. When I wanted to learn to parry, I waited for 10 seconds until he hit me. In an empty corridor.
Block doesn't work, as does parrying. In fact, the blow is blocked, but the weapon goes through and hits again, you get damage both from the first and from the second, and parrying does stop the damage from the first hit, but the second still deals full damage. also parrying is useless, because the opponent will be stunned for the same time as you areafter parrying, due to block cooldown.
I really enjoyed it, I look forward to the next devlog!
Можно сказать, что и с Украины. Язык я правда уже почти забыл. Свободно говорить на нем не могу, но хотя бы его понимаю.
ИИ это самая большая жопа для меня, но я постоянно буду пытаться его дорабатывать. Метание милишек уже запланированно.Магазины работают аркадно, как в колде, где это просто число резерва, но вот как получше это передать надо будет подумать.
Что касается багов - спасибо что подробно описали, всё это полетит в списочек и будет исправляться.
Геймплей отличный, однако каждый раз сталкиваюсь с багом - трупы так сильно отлетают при смерти, что улетают куда-то за текстуры и игра начинает невероятно лагать. Если откатиться на чекпоинт при возникновении этого бага, то игра вылетает.
Да это та еще мистика. Я примерно понимаю почему это происходит (вроде как это случается когда противники стоят на контейнерах, а это статичные пропы), так что как нибудь решу, идеи на этот счет уже давно есть.
Great game, but right now the melee feels a little shallow, as the weak attack and the strong attack seem to have the same cooldown and there seems to be no reason to use a weak attack. Also, my game crashed upon trying to respawn at the part where you get your first gun.
Yeah the melee is still kinda boring, but i will be adding more variety and a mechanic from M:PN, where you click before hitting the enemy to do a crit.
The crash is unfortunate, there are still some bugs with the respawn system. Will fix!!!!
The combat is super fun and I love the music. Enemies are interesting and the melee combat is also fun and everything feels really juicy. I think that gibs/gore should have a bit more leniency, because I rarely ever saw any of the gib sprites (maybe I just suck)
However, the only thing that kind of made it bad to play was the fact that my game seemed to be stuck on ~30FPS. Be it in an empty room or in a room with 20 enemies, my FPS was around the 30 mark. No idea why, changing the resolution and turning down the graphics didn't change anything
Regarding gore, it's just a bit too early in the campaign for you to gib enemies that often, the weapons are just to weak. Wait until you'll be able to get the shotgun ;).
I will be working more on optimization. Will probably do some sort of a telemetry thing to see how much fps people have at certain points on the map, their specs, etc.
Cool, I'm excited to see more! I love your videos and I love how the game's shaping up :)
I love the madness combat style. The base of the game is great, but I think it lacks the juiciness of the original. Maybe you should add screen shake, more decals of blood, or grenade explosion sprite (because the existing one is too dry) . I would also like more dynamics, for example, running back )) I do not know why, but I am very unaccustomed. Otherwise, the game has a huge potential to become my favorite.
Thx. Most of this is in the workings, really want to improve the juice part for the second public build. As for running back - i was thinking of giving the player more movement tech as the game goes on, so in the end your bossfights would look like if you were playing Terraria Calamity mod or something. I actually just remembered why the player can't run backwards - it was because of that visibility system i mentioned in the video, the idea behind it was that you would have to turn away from the enemy when running back so you won't be able to see them. But that mechanic is long gone, so ig there is now no reason to restrict player's movement like that.